Thursday, January 26, 2012


Just a bit of the process I did for a poster for the movie Amadeus in Jorge Montero's Type & Image class.

Had not really made a poster before and I did not add all the logos and stuff to make it look official, lol :)
Someday I will go back and finish up this poster.

Monday, January 23, 2012


Portrait of my brother Nicholas, 2011. India ink

 Acrylic 2011

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Here is a piece from 2011, it was a project where I had to draw pieces of paper from a hat and the words I got were: "cowboy", "food", and "comical". I had so much fun drawing and sketching all sorts of different cowboys :). 
In terms of technique, I was trying out an acrylic technique where the paint is applied in very thin washes and dry brushing. I liked the result a lot since it kind of has a pastel quality.